The poor are very wonderful people. One evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street. And one of them was in a most terrible condition,and I told the sisters: You take care of the other three. I take care of this one who looked worse. So I did for her all that my love can do. I put her in bed, and there was such a beautiful smile on her face. She took hold of my hand as she said just the words "thank you" and she died. I could not help but examine my conscience[良心]before her and I asked what would I say if I was in her place. And my answer was very simple. I would have tried to draw a little attention to myself. I would have said I am hungry, that I am dying, I am cold, I am in pain, or something, but she gave me much more-she gave me her grateful love. And she died with a smile on her face. As did that man whom we picked up from the drain, half eaten with worms, and we brought him to the home. "I have lived like an animal in the street, but I am going to die like an angel, loved and cared for." And it was so wonderful to see the greatness of that man who could speak like that, who could die like that without blaming anybody, without cursing anybody, without comparing anything. Like an angel-this is the greatness of our people. And that is why we believe what Jesus had said: I was hungry, I was naked, I was homeless, I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for, and you did it to me.
I believe that we are not real social workers. We may be doing social work in the eyes of the people, but we are really contemplatives in the heart of the world. For we are touching the body of Christ twenty-four hours…And I think that in our family we don't need bombs and guns, to destroy, to bring peace, just get together, love one another, bring that peace, that joy, that strength of presence of each other in the home. And we will be able to overcome all the evil that is in the world.
And with this prize that I have received as a Prize of Peace, I am going to try to make the home for many people who have no home. Because I believe that love begins at home, and if we can create a home for the poor I think that more and more love will spread. And we will be able through this understanding love to bring peace be the good news to the poor. The poor in our own family first, in our country and in the world. To be able to do this, our Sisters, our lives have to be wove with prayer. They have to be woven with Christ to be able to understand, to be able to share. Because to be woven with Christ is to be able to understand, to be able to share. Because today there is so much suffering…When I pick up a person from the street, hungry, I give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread, I have satisfied. I have removed that hunger. But a person who is shut out, who feels unwanted, unloved, terrified, the person who has been thrown out from society-that poverty is so full of hurt and so unbearable…And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
10 working experience
10 working experience years in Telecom/IT/Internet/IT business areas, working in Huawei Technology for 9 years and growing into middle-level manager and senior consultant in Telcom value-added services. I have been working in oversee countries (Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, etc.) for four years.
Rich experience in customer communication and influence; Possess strong communication, coordination, organization and team work capacity.. Good at oral English.
Career Objective:Work Experiencetop
Huawei Technology Co., Ltd
Industry:Telecommunications (Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service) Company Type:Private Company Company Size:1000+ Company Profile:
2000-7 - 2009-2 Director
Location:Shenzhen Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:20employees monthly salary:400000RMB
Job Category:Department Manager
Career Level:management ( manager / director)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
February, 2008- February, 2009 Senior Consultant of Telcom value-added service (Indonesia) In order to break through the markets of key countries and key accounts, Huawei Software Company established a dedicated team. I was assigned to Indonesia as a team member. My main task included: prompting the main products and solutions (Billing/IN/SMS/RBT) to the key accounts (Telkomsel and Telkom) through the consistent events of marketing intelligence; help our existed account (Bakrie) become bigger and stronger through a series of deep assistant operations. The events of the marketing intelligence and assistant operations consisted of local telcom market analysis, competition analysis, high level communication and discussion, legacy network analysis and diagnosis, services development and roadmap discussion and charging/operation strategy analysis. Through one year’s hard work, the brand of the product and solution of Huawei Software Company had been improved sharply in Telkomsel and Telkom, and then Huawei Billing System had entered the shortlist of the bidding project of these two key accounts’ next generation billing system. Bakrie improved its market position in Indonesia and became the No.1 CDMA operator with the help of assistant operation.
May,2005-January, 2008 Huawei Software Director of Latin American Strategy and Marketing Responsible for operating and managing the Latin American Marketing team of Huawei Software Company (cross culture/country team, near 20 team members); Responsible for end to end customer requirements management, brand marketing activities, marketing intelligence and assistant operation events for key accounts (Telfonical Movil, American Movil, Telmex, etc.). The main performances of my team: the sales of the products and solutions of Huawei Software Company in LA market obtained a compound annual growth rate of nearly 70% during 2005-2008, and the main products and solutions including Billing/IN/SMS/IPTV entered into the key operators such as Telefonica Movil、American Movil , Telmex, etc.
January, 2004-April, 2005Strategy and Marketing Department of Huawei Software Company In charge of Intelligent Network production plan and important project support of oversea countries.
April, 2002-January, 2004 Presale Support Manager and Customer Requirements Management Manager In charge of providing product solution consultancy service to sales department, managing all the product requirements and supporting important bidding project of oversea countries. The brazil Telemar Intelligent Network designed by me has become the largest IN platform of Latin American and the CTO of Telemar presents high praise for my efforts.
March, 2001-April, 2002 Analysis Engineer In charge of system analysis and design for fixed line intelligent network of oversea country.
July, 2000-February, 2001 Software Engineer In charge of analysis, design and development for Web Call Center and ICD 3.0 Platform. Development tools: Dephi and C++. Shenzhen Chipsoft Co., Ltd.
Industry:Software Company Type: Company Size: Company Profile:
1999-4 - 2000-6 Senior Software Engineer
Location:Shenzhen Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:employees :
Job Category:Senior Software Engineer
Career Level:Mid Career(2+ years experience)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
Responsible for software analysis and development of MIS system, such as Vehicle Guard System, petronol statistics management system and so on. Development tools: Powerbuilder and Dephi. Qingdao Hisense Software Co., Ltd.
Industry:Software Company Type: Company Size: Company Profile:
1998-7 - 1999-3 Software Engineer
Location:Qingdao Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:employees :
Job Category:Software Engineer
Career Level:Entry Level(less than 2 years experience)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
Responsible for software analysis and development of MIS system, such as hospital management system. Development tools: Powerbuilder.
Rich experience in customer communication and influence; Possess strong communication, coordination, organization and team work capacity.. Good at oral English.
Career Objective:Work Experiencetop
Huawei Technology Co., Ltd
Industry:Telecommunications (Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service) Company Type:Private Company Company Size:1000+ Company Profile:
2000-7 - 2009-2 Director
Location:Shenzhen Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:20employees monthly salary:400000RMB
Job Category:Department Manager
Career Level:management ( manager / director)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
February, 2008- February, 2009 Senior Consultant of Telcom value-added service (Indonesia) In order to break through the markets of key countries and key accounts, Huawei Software Company established a dedicated team. I was assigned to Indonesia as a team member. My main task included: prompting the main products and solutions (Billing/IN/SMS/RBT) to the key accounts (Telkomsel and Telkom) through the consistent events of marketing intelligence; help our existed account (Bakrie) become bigger and stronger through a series of deep assistant operations. The events of the marketing intelligence and assistant operations consisted of local telcom market analysis, competition analysis, high level communication and discussion, legacy network analysis and diagnosis, services development and roadmap discussion and charging/operation strategy analysis. Through one year’s hard work, the brand of the product and solution of Huawei Software Company had been improved sharply in Telkomsel and Telkom, and then Huawei Billing System had entered the shortlist of the bidding project of these two key accounts’ next generation billing system. Bakrie improved its market position in Indonesia and became the No.1 CDMA operator with the help of assistant operation.
May,2005-January, 2008 Huawei Software Director of Latin American Strategy and Marketing Responsible for operating and managing the Latin American Marketing team of Huawei Software Company (cross culture/country team, near 20 team members); Responsible for end to end customer requirements management, brand marketing activities, marketing intelligence and assistant operation events for key accounts (Telfonical Movil, American Movil, Telmex, etc.). The main performances of my team: the sales of the products and solutions of Huawei Software Company in LA market obtained a compound annual growth rate of nearly 70% during 2005-2008, and the main products and solutions including Billing/IN/SMS/IPTV entered into the key operators such as Telefonica Movil、American Movil , Telmex, etc.
January, 2004-April, 2005Strategy and Marketing Department of Huawei Software Company In charge of Intelligent Network production plan and important project support of oversea countries.
April, 2002-January, 2004 Presale Support Manager and Customer Requirements Management Manager In charge of providing product solution consultancy service to sales department, managing all the product requirements and supporting important bidding project of oversea countries. The brazil Telemar Intelligent Network designed by me has become the largest IN platform of Latin American and the CTO of Telemar presents high praise for my efforts.
March, 2001-April, 2002 Analysis Engineer In charge of system analysis and design for fixed line intelligent network of oversea country.
July, 2000-February, 2001 Software Engineer In charge of analysis, design and development for Web Call Center and ICD 3.0 Platform. Development tools: Dephi and C++. Shenzhen Chipsoft Co., Ltd.
Industry:Software Company Type: Company Size: Company Profile:
1999-4 - 2000-6 Senior Software Engineer
Location:Shenzhen Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:employees :
Job Category:Senior Software Engineer
Career Level:Mid Career(2+ years experience)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
Responsible for software analysis and development of MIS system, such as Vehicle Guard System, petronol statistics management system and so on. Development tools: Powerbuilder and Dephi. Qingdao Hisense Software Co., Ltd.
Industry:Software Company Type: Company Size: Company Profile:
1998-7 - 1999-3 Software Engineer
Location:Qingdao Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:employees :
Job Category:Software Engineer
Career Level:Entry Level(less than 2 years experience)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
Responsible for software analysis and development of MIS system, such as hospital management system. Development tools: Powerbuilder.
Maintenance Manager
2008-4 - 2009-12 Maintenance Manager
Location:Nanning, Guangxi Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:14employees :
Job Category:Department Manager
Career Level:management ( manager / director)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Constitute new project for New product, equipment reconstruction & breakdown reduction
***Lead the team to resolve the major machine trouble in daily production and machine reconstruction.
***Constitute the PM plan of mechanical & electrical parts according to equipment status
***Implement Preventive Maintenance plan
***Routine management & maintenance for electricity & water system
***Press safety management, increase safety consciousness, implement Lockout/tag out and other safety procedures
***Setup spare parts management system, lessen spare parts waiting time
***Carry out daily breakdown maintenance
***Setup maintenance quality system to reduce the machine’s contribution in production defects
***Constitute & implement Small/Tiny Coaxial Cable product project in Nanning plant
***Reduce breakdown rate to 0.8% from 3%, MTBF increase to 1000h from 100h
***Primarily build a PM system
***Carried out coaxial project
***Improve everyone’s skill, build a strong maintenance team
Tianjin Pyung Hwa Auto Parts Co., Ltd
Industry:Automobile Company Type:Foreign Company / Rep. Office Company Size:1000+ Company Profile:A South Korea Automotive Part company, Product: AVS, HOSE
2007-1 - 2008-3 Deputy General Manager
Location:Tianjin Job Type:Full-time Department:Techinical Support Report to:Managing Dirctor Number of Subordinates:55employees :
Job Category:Director/General Manager of SBU
Career Level:management ( manager / director)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Supervise subordinates to make sure works are done properly
***Supervise the work in Utilities, Equipment Maintenance and building maintenance
***Lead Equipment Maintenance Team to carry out TPM plan
***Manage all equipment to meet the goals, like MTTR and Down time
***Monitor the department expenditure to meet yearly goal
***Constitute cost reduction plan and implement it and report
***Monthly cost analysis and report
***Constitute Kaizen Plan and implement it and report
***Draft SOPs and Procedures for Equipment maintenance, utility equipment management, building, safety and fire prevention
***Wrote all necessary documents to meet the needs of quality control
***Make presentation to internal management
***Take part in the meetings, such as quality meeting, cost reduction meeting
***Built KAIZEN Team to improve productivity and meet quality goal
***Implemented PM Plan to reduce down time and MTTR
***Setup spare parts management system
***Educate all subordinates to change their working attitude
GGI Canada
Industry:Internet/e-Commerce Company Type:Foreign Company / Rep. Office Company Size:100 - 499 Company Profile:A Canadian Company
2001-10 - 2006-6 Electrical supervisor
Location:Toronto,Canada Job Type:Full-time Department:Maintenance Department Report to:Engineering Manager Number of Subordinates:5employees :
Job Category:Electric Engineer
Career Level:Senior Position (Non-managerial)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Organized & Setup new automatic distribution line
***Constituted and carried on PM for electrical system of automatic logistic distribution system (including electronics, electrical and networks) in whole operation market center
***Reprogrammed PLC
***Added a new conveyor system, a new electrical system and a new PLC to the whole system and debugged the whole system and associated the new system with old system
***Chose, Negotiated and purchased spare parts for easy broken parts
***Organized documents and drawing for archive
***Gave new technician on the job training
***Supervised the attendance, work schedule, personal performance
***Setup new modern automatic distribution system
***Setup modern network system
***Improved old lines
***Trained some technicians
Industry:Automobile Company Type:Foreign Company / Rep. Office Company Size:100 - 499 Company Profile:Belong to Toyota group, special produced automotive electronic prodct, like ECU, AMP, panel and pump. It is the one of biggest automotive electronics make in the world
1997-12 - 2001-1 Production Manager
Location:Tianjin Job Type:Full-time Department:Manufacturing Report to:Vice GM Number of Subordinates:60employees :
Job Category:Department Manager
Career Level:management ( manager / director)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Built 3 brand new production lines into brand new Tianjin plant, they were ECU line, AMP line and PUMP line
***Led 3 new product introduction into Tianjin plant, they were ECU, AMP and PUMP
***Setup JIT, KANBAN, TPS production system
***Made layout for production line
***Wrote all process control documents, drawings, work instructions, QC documents and procedures
***Led to write all equipment PM documents and check sheets
***Organized PM, Maintenance and resolved all issue appeared on production lines
***Led TPM activities and KAIZEN activities in maintenance, production, QA, process and test to improve productivities and reduce defect rate
***Organized the production according to order and specification
***Coordinated with store and planer to arrange all production activities accordingly
***Setup ISO9000 quality system
***Trained many technicians, operators and test engineers
***Other works general manager asked
***Setup 3 brand new production lines to china from Japan, they were ECU line, AMP line and PUMP line
***NPI 3 new products (ECU, AMP and pump) to brand new plant
***Finished all process control document, WI, sheets and maintenance PM
***All finished goods were 100% pass at customer site
***Reduced the in process defect to 5PPM
***Trained a group of bone technicians and operators and some leaders
Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd.
Industry:Telecommunications (Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service) Company Type:Foreign Company / Rep. Office Company Size:1000+ Company Profile:Pager, Cellular Phone, IC, PHS
1995-2 - 1997-12 Reliability Engineer, Supervisor
Location:Tianjin, China Job Type:Full-time Department:Quality Department Report to:Manager of Quality Number of Subordinates:20employees :
Job Category:Testing Engineer
Career Level:Senior Position (Non-managerial)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Started up a new reliability engineering lab in china
***Wrote APR and purchased all equipments and instruments for lab
***Installed all equipments and instruments in lab
***Constituted Reliability lab development strategy
***Wrote test procedure and document
***Built Reliability and quality test system in company
***Trained new technicians and operators
***Carried on ALT for new products, CALT for products; analyzed failure; found root causes and developed corrective action plans
***Wrote test reports and granted S/A Certificates
***Implemented ISO9000, ISO14000 & QS9000 in lab
***Setup the first Reliability Engineering lab in China market for Motorola
***Built automatic test stations & Installed environment chambers
***Built the reliability system in plant
***Trained some technicians and engineers
Location:Nanning, Guangxi Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:14employees :
Job Category:Department Manager
Career Level:management ( manager / director)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Constitute new project for New product, equipment reconstruction & breakdown reduction
***Lead the team to resolve the major machine trouble in daily production and machine reconstruction.
***Constitute the PM plan of mechanical & electrical parts according to equipment status
***Implement Preventive Maintenance plan
***Routine management & maintenance for electricity & water system
***Press safety management, increase safety consciousness, implement Lockout/tag out and other safety procedures
***Setup spare parts management system, lessen spare parts waiting time
***Carry out daily breakdown maintenance
***Setup maintenance quality system to reduce the machine’s contribution in production defects
***Constitute & implement Small/Tiny Coaxial Cable product project in Nanning plant
***Reduce breakdown rate to 0.8% from 3%, MTBF increase to 1000h from 100h
***Primarily build a PM system
***Carried out coaxial project
***Improve everyone’s skill, build a strong maintenance team
Tianjin Pyung Hwa Auto Parts Co., Ltd
Industry:Automobile Company Type:Foreign Company / Rep. Office Company Size:1000+ Company Profile:A South Korea Automotive Part company, Product: AVS, HOSE
2007-1 - 2008-3 Deputy General Manager
Location:Tianjin Job Type:Full-time Department:Techinical Support Report to:Managing Dirctor Number of Subordinates:55employees :
Job Category:Director/General Manager of SBU
Career Level:management ( manager / director)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Supervise subordinates to make sure works are done properly
***Supervise the work in Utilities, Equipment Maintenance and building maintenance
***Lead Equipment Maintenance Team to carry out TPM plan
***Manage all equipment to meet the goals, like MTTR and Down time
***Monitor the department expenditure to meet yearly goal
***Constitute cost reduction plan and implement it and report
***Monthly cost analysis and report
***Constitute Kaizen Plan and implement it and report
***Draft SOPs and Procedures for Equipment maintenance, utility equipment management, building, safety and fire prevention
***Wrote all necessary documents to meet the needs of quality control
***Make presentation to internal management
***Take part in the meetings, such as quality meeting, cost reduction meeting
***Built KAIZEN Team to improve productivity and meet quality goal
***Implemented PM Plan to reduce down time and MTTR
***Setup spare parts management system
***Educate all subordinates to change their working attitude
GGI Canada
Industry:Internet/e-Commerce Company Type:Foreign Company / Rep. Office Company Size:100 - 499 Company Profile:A Canadian Company
2001-10 - 2006-6 Electrical supervisor
Location:Toronto,Canada Job Type:Full-time Department:Maintenance Department Report to:Engineering Manager Number of Subordinates:5employees :
Job Category:Electric Engineer
Career Level:Senior Position (Non-managerial)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Organized & Setup new automatic distribution line
***Constituted and carried on PM for electrical system of automatic logistic distribution system (including electronics, electrical and networks) in whole operation market center
***Reprogrammed PLC
***Added a new conveyor system, a new electrical system and a new PLC to the whole system and debugged the whole system and associated the new system with old system
***Chose, Negotiated and purchased spare parts for easy broken parts
***Organized documents and drawing for archive
***Gave new technician on the job training
***Supervised the attendance, work schedule, personal performance
***Setup new modern automatic distribution system
***Setup modern network system
***Improved old lines
***Trained some technicians
Industry:Automobile Company Type:Foreign Company / Rep. Office Company Size:100 - 499 Company Profile:Belong to Toyota group, special produced automotive electronic prodct, like ECU, AMP, panel and pump. It is the one of biggest automotive electronics make in the world
1997-12 - 2001-1 Production Manager
Location:Tianjin Job Type:Full-time Department:Manufacturing Report to:Vice GM Number of Subordinates:60employees :
Job Category:Department Manager
Career Level:management ( manager / director)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Built 3 brand new production lines into brand new Tianjin plant, they were ECU line, AMP line and PUMP line
***Led 3 new product introduction into Tianjin plant, they were ECU, AMP and PUMP
***Setup JIT, KANBAN, TPS production system
***Made layout for production line
***Wrote all process control documents, drawings, work instructions, QC documents and procedures
***Led to write all equipment PM documents and check sheets
***Organized PM, Maintenance and resolved all issue appeared on production lines
***Led TPM activities and KAIZEN activities in maintenance, production, QA, process and test to improve productivities and reduce defect rate
***Organized the production according to order and specification
***Coordinated with store and planer to arrange all production activities accordingly
***Setup ISO9000 quality system
***Trained many technicians, operators and test engineers
***Other works general manager asked
***Setup 3 brand new production lines to china from Japan, they were ECU line, AMP line and PUMP line
***NPI 3 new products (ECU, AMP and pump) to brand new plant
***Finished all process control document, WI, sheets and maintenance PM
***All finished goods were 100% pass at customer site
***Reduced the in process defect to 5PPM
***Trained a group of bone technicians and operators and some leaders
Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd.
Industry:Telecommunications (Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service) Company Type:Foreign Company / Rep. Office Company Size:1000+ Company Profile:Pager, Cellular Phone, IC, PHS
1995-2 - 1997-12 Reliability Engineer, Supervisor
Location:Tianjin, China Job Type:Full-time Department:Quality Department Report to:Manager of Quality Number of Subordinates:20employees :
Job Category:Testing Engineer
Career Level:Senior Position (Non-managerial)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
***Started up a new reliability engineering lab in china
***Wrote APR and purchased all equipments and instruments for lab
***Installed all equipments and instruments in lab
***Constituted Reliability lab development strategy
***Wrote test procedure and document
***Built Reliability and quality test system in company
***Trained new technicians and operators
***Carried on ALT for new products, CALT for products; analyzed failure; found root causes and developed corrective action plans
***Wrote test reports and granted S/A Certificates
***Implemented ISO9000, ISO14000 & QS9000 in lab
***Setup the first Reliability Engineering lab in China market for Motorola
***Built automatic test stations & Installed environment chambers
***Built the reliability system in plant
***Trained some technicians and engineers
I had just returned from an income tax audit with the Internal Revenue Service, which everyone agrees is as pleasant as a bad session in the dentist's chair. The audit had gone well, but I was relieved it was over. To celebrate I bought an ice cream cone and sat in my car to read a letter from my eldest daughter Linda, a college freshman. "Dear Mom," the letter began, "I know you will be shocked to learn that you are going to be a grandmother." She was 20 years old and unmarried. My initial response was, "This can't be happening! I'm a middle-aged jobless divorcee and I'm not going to raise any more kids!" I had a six- and a twelve-year-old at home. Raising children alone is not easy, especially on a limited income. However, after I reflected on how my daughter must be feeling, I telephoned her and suggested that she complete her semester and then come home. We would figure out what to do.
The parents of the boy, a freshman engineering student, were also calm, but their primary objective seemed to be to make sure that whatever happened did not compro-mise their son's future. A marriage was never really considered; they were in favor of adoption. At least medi-cal bills were not a major concern; though I had been laid off, my insurance continued in force at a small cost, and it would cover my daughter's medical bills, likely to amount to several thousand dollars, albeit not those of the child.
So at the end of the semester my daughter came home. She quickly ruled out abortion on religious grounds. The idea of adoption was appealing, but we were somewhat put off by the totality of the rupture between birth mother and child imposed by the state welfare department. They chose the new family, and the fate of the child would be utterly unknown to us. One day Linda commented that she wished we could find an adoptive family in a distant location who were well educated, already had one child (so that the baby would not be an only child), loved animals, were of her religion, well off financially, with a nice home; and in which the mother was a stay-at-home mom. Two days later my brother in Arkansas, an attorney, phoned to report that his wife knew someone with a friend whose baby girl had died unexpectedly the year before. The grieving mother was unable to have any more children. The family wanted very much to adopt: would we be interested in talking to them about adoption? We received a long letter describing the family in great detail. Their profile corresponded point for point to our wish list for an adoptive family. It was truly uncanny. Linda and I both knew instantly that here was our solution.
The baby was a blond blue-eyed boy weighing 3.5 kilos. We held him twice and decided we had better not be with him any more lest we change our minds. Our lawyer presented the proper legal papers and physically removed the baby from the hospital before turning him over to his new parents. The adoptive family sent Linda a big bouquet of flowers with a card "from your Arkansas family". Two weeks later the adoptive father phoned to tell me that he had that day put the first funds in the bank for the baby's college education. My daughter returned to university to get her degree, met her "Mr Right", married and had four more children.
Some 22 years later I was in Arkansas visiting my lawyer brother before returning to China to teach for another year. My sister-in-law telephoned the adoptive family and asked if they were interested in meeting me. The next day I received an excited phone call from that "baby": Could he come over for a visit?
When Bryan and his adoptive mother arrived the next day, we spent two hours sharing photos and stories and exchanging e-mail addresses. His parents had always made it clear to him that he was adopted; indeed, how else to explain pale skin, flaxen hair and blue eyes in a family of dark-haired olive-skinned descendants of southern Italians?
Bryan had become an extraordinary young man.He was an Eagle Scout at the age of 13, Arkansas's youngest ever. (The Boy Scouts are a character-building organization, and few boys rise to the top level; to become an Eagle Scout is like receiving a grand testimonial to one's virtue and versatility.) He had been a football star in high school. After attending Brigham Young University for one year, he had served a two-year stint as a representative of his church in South Korea. Now he was preparing to return to university. I told his mother that I believed we had made the right decision 22 years earlier; the next day she called to say how much the comment meant to her.
As it happened, Linda's eldest daughter would also be a sophomore at BYU that fall, and her next eldest daughter would be at the branch campus in Idaho. I told him that his half-siblings were unaware of his existence; Linda subsequently decided to tell her children about Bryan. They were surprised and curious to find out what their new brother was like. The two girls were quick to set up a rendezvous with their tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed half-brother on the BYU campus in Utah, but birth mother and son have yet to meet.
The parents of the boy, a freshman engineering student, were also calm, but their primary objective seemed to be to make sure that whatever happened did not compro-mise their son's future. A marriage was never really considered; they were in favor of adoption. At least medi-cal bills were not a major concern; though I had been laid off, my insurance continued in force at a small cost, and it would cover my daughter's medical bills, likely to amount to several thousand dollars, albeit not those of the child.
So at the end of the semester my daughter came home. She quickly ruled out abortion on religious grounds. The idea of adoption was appealing, but we were somewhat put off by the totality of the rupture between birth mother and child imposed by the state welfare department. They chose the new family, and the fate of the child would be utterly unknown to us. One day Linda commented that she wished we could find an adoptive family in a distant location who were well educated, already had one child (so that the baby would not be an only child), loved animals, were of her religion, well off financially, with a nice home; and in which the mother was a stay-at-home mom. Two days later my brother in Arkansas, an attorney, phoned to report that his wife knew someone with a friend whose baby girl had died unexpectedly the year before. The grieving mother was unable to have any more children. The family wanted very much to adopt: would we be interested in talking to them about adoption? We received a long letter describing the family in great detail. Their profile corresponded point for point to our wish list for an adoptive family. It was truly uncanny. Linda and I both knew instantly that here was our solution.
The baby was a blond blue-eyed boy weighing 3.5 kilos. We held him twice and decided we had better not be with him any more lest we change our minds. Our lawyer presented the proper legal papers and physically removed the baby from the hospital before turning him over to his new parents. The adoptive family sent Linda a big bouquet of flowers with a card "from your Arkansas family". Two weeks later the adoptive father phoned to tell me that he had that day put the first funds in the bank for the baby's college education. My daughter returned to university to get her degree, met her "Mr Right", married and had four more children.
Some 22 years later I was in Arkansas visiting my lawyer brother before returning to China to teach for another year. My sister-in-law telephoned the adoptive family and asked if they were interested in meeting me. The next day I received an excited phone call from that "baby": Could he come over for a visit?
When Bryan and his adoptive mother arrived the next day, we spent two hours sharing photos and stories and exchanging e-mail addresses. His parents had always made it clear to him that he was adopted; indeed, how else to explain pale skin, flaxen hair and blue eyes in a family of dark-haired olive-skinned descendants of southern Italians?
Bryan had become an extraordinary young man.He was an Eagle Scout at the age of 13, Arkansas's youngest ever. (The Boy Scouts are a character-building organization, and few boys rise to the top level; to become an Eagle Scout is like receiving a grand testimonial to one's virtue and versatility.) He had been a football star in high school. After attending Brigham Young University for one year, he had served a two-year stint as a representative of his church in South Korea. Now he was preparing to return to university. I told his mother that I believed we had made the right decision 22 years earlier; the next day she called to say how much the comment meant to her.
As it happened, Linda's eldest daughter would also be a sophomore at BYU that fall, and her next eldest daughter would be at the branch campus in Idaho. I told him that his half-siblings were unaware of his existence; Linda subsequently decided to tell her children about Bryan. They were surprised and curious to find out what their new brother was like. The two girls were quick to set up a rendezvous with their tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed half-brother on the BYU campus in Utah, but birth mother and son have yet to meet.

I want you to hold me...
to tell me you love me
I want you to put
no one else above me.
In a sea of hearts
there's only you and me.
You're the only one who touches me...
the only one who moves me.
You're my fondest wish
of what the future could be.
I may hold the lock,
but you have the key
to the garden that blooms
deep inside of me.
I'll be your servant,
whatever you want me to be...
If you'll just say
you love me.
to tell me you love me
I want you to put
no one else above me.
In a sea of hearts
there's only you and me.
You're the only one who touches me...
the only one who moves me.
You're my fondest wish
of what the future could be.
I may hold the lock,
but you have the key
to the garden that blooms
deep inside of me.
I'll be your servant,
whatever you want me to be...
If you'll just say
you love me.
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